Medical Centric

8 Signs You Might be Suffering from Protein Deficiency

8 Signs You Might be Suffering from Protein Deficiency

  • Proteins are the most nutrients for the human body.
  • They are necessary for growth and maintenance. Proteins are the building block of your body cells, hormones, enzymes, skin, hair, and body tissues.
  • Therefore, protein deficiency can result in major health problems, such as kwashiorkor, that can lower your quality of life or even be life-threatening.

    Here are 8 signs that might indicate protein deficiency:


  • Edema is swelling caused by the leakage of fluids from blood vessels into the tissues that surround them.
  • This usually happens if the blood lacks albumin, a protein that is responsible for maintaining oncotic pressure.
  • Oncotic pressure maintains blood flow in the blood vessels.
  • The blood vessels cannot regular blood flow if the body is short on albumin, which results in fluid leakage and inflammation of the surrounding tissues.
  • This ultimately causes the area to swell.

Fatty Liver

  • A fatty liver is a common symptom of kwashiorkor.
  • This takes place due to an accumulation of fats by the cells of the liver.
  • Fatty livers are usually found in alcoholics and obese people.
  • However, protein deficiency results in a decrease of lipoproteins, which are fat-transporting proteins.
  • Due to their short numbers, fats tend to accumulate in the liver cells, causing the organ to bloat.

Problems in Skin, Hair, and Nails

  • The skin, hair, and nails are primarily made up of proteins.
  • Severe protein deficiency can result in damage to them.
  • The skin might become flaky, redden, and start to blister.
  • The hair might thin, lose color, and even fall off the scalp.
  • While the nails can become brittle.
  • Kwashiorkor in children is typically identified by checking the condition of the skin.

Muscle Mass Loss

  • Protein deficiency means that you will not have enough of the nutrient to maintain your muscles, much less grow them.
  • Over time, your muscles will start to grow weak and lose mass.
  • This condition is known as muscle wasting, and it is far more prominent in the elderly.
  • Increased protein intake is believed to slow down muscle degeneration in the elderly.

Increased Risk of Bone Fractures

  • Your bones consist of a protein known as collagen.
  • Collagen makes the bones strong and gives them structure.
  • Thus, protein deficiency can cause your bones to weaken and can increase the risk of fractures.
  • Studies have shown that decreased protein intake as you grow older can result in more bone fractures, with hip fractures being the most prominent kind.

Slower Clotting System

  • Protein deficiency also slows down your body’s clotting mechanism.
  • Cuts and bruises might take much longer to heal than usual.
  • And you will find yourself drained from the effort more than before.

Longer-Lasting Infections

  • Your immune system will be impaired and slow down, as mentioned earlier.
  • Your body will be more prone to infections, and it will take longer to get rid of them.
  • Regular infections will be far more severe as well.

Greater Appetite

  • When the body’s low on protein, it automatically increases your appetite in a bid to take in more proteins somehow.
  • You might find yourself eating more savory or heavy foods, which are bound to give you the proteins you need.
  • However, you will also be taking in more calories. And that will result in weight gain.

That was all on the signs and symptoms of protein deficiency.