Medical Centric

8 Tips to Keep Your Hair Naturally Healthy

8 Tips to Keep Your Hair Naturally Healthy

  • Struggling with your hair of late? It’s an entirely natural problem that people may face at least once in their life.
  • Hair can get weaker and lose shape over time for all kinds of reasons.
  • Whether it’s genetics, pollution, or poor nutrition, your hair is a part of your body and will take time to acclimatize to changes.
  • If you’re worried about using hair products, here are 8 tips to keep them naturally healthy:

Load Up on Protein

  • Hair is mostly made up of protein and you require a well-rounded diet to keep it healthy.
  • Make sure you take in around 45 grams of protein every single day.
  • Some food items rich in protein include lean meat, beans, grains, eggs, and fish.
  • Being low on protein can cause your hair to lose color, grow weaker, and even fall.

Get the Good Fats

  • Scalp health is important for your hair as your follicles need to be healthy and receiving blood regularly for them to maintain your hair.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, causing an overall improvement in your scalp health.
  • They will not make your hair grow back but can help strengthen your hair and fight hair thinning.
  • You can find omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, flax seeds, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

Massage the Scalp

  • Hair thinning is usually due to decreased blood circulation to your scalp and the hair follicles.
  • One natural way to counter this is by stimulating blood flow to the scalp.
  • You just need to massage your scalp using your fingers regularly to get the blood going to your hair.

Get Zinc

  • Zinc deficiency can be a probable cause of hair shedding.
  • The mineral is essential for keeping the hair healthy, making it important for you to get a healthy amount of zinc.
  • You can obtain zinc from leafy green vegetables, fruits, and nuts such as pecans, walnuts, cashews, and almonds.

Oil Your Hair Regularly

  • Oil is your scalp’s natural conditioner.
  • Applying it regularly can give you healthier hair and also protects your scalp from dryness.
  • You can use almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil to massage your hair with, washing it off after some time.
  • Do not oil your hair too much as you will have to use more shampoo, which can lead to breakage.

Do Not Comb Wet Hair

  • Combing wet hair can cause breakage.
  • Hair is weaker while wet and you need to let it dry off before you comb them.
  • Try and let hair dry naturally instead of using a dryer.

Do Not Use Hot Water

  • Washing your hair with hot water can result in breakage.
  • Try to use moderate water while washing your hair.
  • If you’re using a shampoo and a conditioner, wash off the former with warm water and the latter with cold water.
  • Brushing your hair helps smoothen it out and is a natural way of spreading the oil on your scalp all around.
  • The oil replenishes the hair and makes it stronger and healthier.
  • Just do not brush or comb while your hair is wet.