Medical Centric

All About Dirty Fasting

All About Dirty Fasting

  • Dirty fasting is a term for consuming a small number of calories during a fasting window.
  • For instance, you may be having intermittent fasting with window periods (when you can eat something).
  • When you incorporate other foods other than water, tea, and black coffee in this window, you practice dirty fasting.
  • It could be that you added a little cream in your coffee with the thought that it won’t cause a huge change in your calorie intake at the end of the day.
  • The bottom line with dirty fasting is that it always boils down to the daily total calorie intake.
  • This differs from traditional or “clean” fasting, a method in which you don’t consume any calories during fasting windows.

Is it effective?

  • In matters of weight loss, the one thing that counts is consistency.
  • Many people have complained about how their weight loss diet is strict, putting a stop to it.
  • Well, if you feel the need to add that little cream to your coffee, feel free to do so.
  • This will not affect your weight loss because it is not that you are stopping the process, but you are slowing it down.
  • Experts have also pointed out that it is better this way than starting a weight loss diet and then putting an abrupt end to it simply because you have had enough already.

Your Body During Dirty Fasting

  • Each time you take anything that is registered as food, your body responds by producing insulin, a hormone responsible for regulating glucose intake in your body.
  • The release of this hormone shifts your body from fasting mode to eating mode.
  • Autophagy, which is your body’s process, “self-eating” will stop, and glucose will be your body’s preferred source of energy.
  • It is due to this reason that you are advised that if you want to reap the fruits of fasting, you should keep your insulin levels low.

If You’re Interested

  • If you’re interested in intermittent fasting, it’s best to choose a method that has research backing its effectiveness over dirty fasting, such as time-restricted eating — where you consume all your calories within a specific timeframe.
  • For example, some people may choose to eat within a 6- or 8-hour window and fast for the remaining 16–18 hours.
  • The only way to ensure that you’re in a fasted state is to take in zero calories during your fasting window.
  • However, most experts agree that the negligible number of calories in drinks like black coffee and herbal teas won’t break your fast.
  • Working with a registered dietitian can also help you decide whether intermittent fasting is the right choice for your specific needs and health goals.