Chigger bites are bites from chiggers, tiny larvae members of the arachnid family.
- Chiggers are extremely small in size, are red in color and are barely visible to the naked eyes, measuring 0.4mm (1/60 of an inch).
- Chiggers are found in tall weeds and grass, in wooded areas, orchards, along lakes and streams, in drier places where vegetation is low, such as parks, golf courses, and lawns.
- They are numerous and active on spring, fall afternoons when temperatures are warm and inviting.
- Chiggers may easily attach to your pant cuffs or shirt sleeves and make their way onto your skin as you walk by and brush up against vegetation where they live.
- They become inactive when the temperature falls below 60 F (16C), and die off when the temperature falls below 42 F (6C).
Only the larvae bites, adult chiggers don’t bite.
Chiggers have claws that make it easy for them to grab onto the skin.
When biting humans, the chigger attaches its feeding structures to the skin and injects saliva.
This saliva contains an enzyme that helps liquefy the skin- breaks skin cells down to liquid form.
The body responds by creating a hole in the skin.
The skin around the hole hardens, creating a feeding tube, which is called a stylostome through which the chigger sucks the host’s body fluid.
If left undisturbed, the chiggers can stay attached and feed for several days, usually about four days, before falling off.
Chiggers, because of their delicate feeding structures, find it easier to penetrate a person’s skin where it is wrinkled, folded, or thinnest.
- Reddish welts within 24 hours of being bitten
- Intense itching
- Multiple bites that get larger for several days or week.
Once you suspect chiggers bite, wash with soap and water to get rid of any remaining chiggers on your body.
You may apply ice to the bite to relieve the itch or use anti-itch medications such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream.
Hot baths and showers should be avoided.
Hot water should be used to wash any clothes, blankets, or towels to kill any bugs hanging on it
Chigger bites usually resolve on their own, but if they are still bothering you after many days see your doctor.
In rare cases, you may need steroid shots to calm itching and swelling, or use antibiotics if your bites become infected.
To prevent chiggers bite
Try not to brush up against vegetation when you are in wooded areas that may be chigger infested.
Wear long sleeves and long pants that can be tucked into your socks or shoes.
Shower as soon as you go indoors.
It should be noted that:
- Chigger bites are uncomfortable, annoying and make it hard to sleep but they are usually not harmful to health.
- Chiggers do not burrow into the skin, carry or transmit diseases, or feed on a person’s blood.
- Do not scratch your bite as intense scratching may lead to infections.