Compulsive Overeating
An eating disorder characterized by continuous or frequent excessive eating over which an individual does not feel he or she has control, and which usually leads to weight gain and obesity. Eating is not connected to hunger, and food intake may be rapid or secret.
While the exact cause of compulsive overeating disorder is unknown, there are a variety of factors that are thought to influence the development of this disorder. These factors are:
- Biological: Biological abnormalities, such as hormonal irregularities or genetic mutations, may be associated with compulsive eating and food addiction.
- Psychological: A strong correlation has been established between depression and over eating. Body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and difficulty coping with feelings can also contribute to binge eating disorder.
- Social and Cultural: Traumatic situations, such as a history of sexual abuse, can increase the risk of compulsive overeating. Social pressures to be thin, which are typically influenced through media, can trigger emotional eating. Persons subject to critical comments about their bodies or weight may be especially vulnerable to binge eating disorder.
Signs and Symptoms
- binge eating, or eating uncontrollably even when not physically hungry
- eating much more rapidly than normal
- eating alone due to shame and embarrassment
- feelings of guilt due to overeating
- preoccupation with body weight
- depression or mood swings
- awareness that eating patterns are abnormal
- history of weight fluctuations
- withdrawal from activities because of embarrassment about weight
- history of many different unsuccessful diets
- eating little in public, but maintaining a high body weight
- holding the belief that life will be better if they can lose weight
- hiding food in strange places (closets, cabinets, suitcases, under the bed)
- vague or secretive eating patterns
- self-defeating statements after food consumption
- holding the belief that food is their only friend
- weight gain
- loss of sexual desire or promiscuous relations
- fatigue
To diagnose binge-eating disorder, your doctor may recommend a psychological evaluation, including discussion of your eating habits.
Your doctor also may want you to have other tests to check for health consequences of binge-eating disorder, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, GERD, and some sleep-related breathing disorders. These tests may include:
- A physical exam
- Blood and urine tests
- A sleep disorder center consultation
The goals for treatment of binge-eating disorder are to reduce overeating, and, when necessary, to lose weight.
Whether in individual or group sessions, psychotherapy (also called talk therapy) can help teach you how to exchange unhealthy habits for healthy ones and reduce overeating episodes. Examples of psychotherapy include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT may help you cope better with issues that can trigger compulsive overeating episodes, such as negative feelings about your body or a depressed mood. It may also give you a better sense of control over your behavior and help you regulate eating patterns.
- Interpersonal psychotherapy. This type of therapy focuses on your relationships with other people. The goal is to improve your interpersonal skills — how you relate to others, including family, friends and co-workers. This may help reduce binge eating that’s triggered by poor relationships and unhealthy communication skills.
- Dialectical behavior therapy. This form of therapy can help you learn behavioral skills to help you tolerate stress, regulate your emotions and improve your relationships with others, all of which can reduce the desire to binge eat.
Doctor sometimes prescribe anti-depressant medicines to the patient.