Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on the Body
- Apple cider vinegar is a proven remedy in most traditional medicinal practices.
- It is also a popular home remedy that is supposed to help alleviate several conditions and provide relief to the body.
- However, if you are worried about actual scientific backing to these claims, you only have to look at these proven effects on the human body:
Helps Kill Harmful Bacteria
- Vinegar can play a substantial role in helping the body get rid of pathogens, especially harmful bacteria.
- Traditional medicine has widely used apple cider vinegar as a disinfectant, with Hippocrates being the first person to use vinegar to clean wounds more than 2000 years ago.
- Its disinfecting properties are a primary reason for apple cider vinegar, and other kinds of vinegar, to be used as food preservatives.
- There are also reports of vinegar playing a helpful role in treating acne and helping you get rid of it.
- On a whole, using apple cider vinegar as a home remedy disinfectant can help you keep pathogens away from any wounds.
Helps Lower Blood Sugar
- Apple cider vinegar is also known to have a marked effect on blood glucose levels.
- According to several studies, vinegar helps increase insulin sensitivity in the body, by 19% to 34% – especially if you have had a high carb meal.
- Another study revealed that as little as two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar right before bedtime can help reduce fasting blood glucose levels by as much as 4%.
- Other studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help improve insulin function in the body.
- This makes the vinegar an important item to have if you want to maintain your blood glucose and alleviate complications caused by type 2 diabetes.
Decreases Your Appetite
- This might surprise you, but apple cider vinegar can be a big help if you’re looking to lose some weight.
- Vinegar makes you feel fuller, which decreases your appetite and ultimately decreases your food consumption.
- In a study, vinegar intake decreased the daily caloric intake of participants by 200-275 calories.
- In several other studies, a direct link between weight loss and apple cider vinegar intake has been discovered.
- Another key factor here is the small number of calories in apple cider vinegar, which comes about to 3 for every tablespoon.
Improves Heart Health
- Apple cider vinegar has shown a healthy effect on the heart in several animal-based studies.
- The vinegar helps lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides, which opens up your arteries and helps take the stress off your heart.
- Heart problems make for some of the leading causes of death in both human beings and animals.
- Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet can help you reduce the risk of that happening and interfering with your life.
Helps Your Skin
- The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can help you clear up your skin from conditions such as dry skin and eczema.
- A diluted solution of apple cider vinegar is often used by people as a skin tonic to improve skin health.
- Its role as an antiseptic can also help you decrease the chances of getting a skin infection.
That was all about the effects apple cider vinegar can have on your body.