The Benefits of Drinking Water
- The human body is made up of around 60% water, and maintaining that level is essential for our health.
- Water creates the environment needed for our body to function and work the way that helps us do our best.
- To maintain it, experts recommend drinking around 2 liters of water every day.
- The general rule is to drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water (called the 8×8 rule).
- Let’s look at some benefits that we can get by taking a healthy amount of water each day:
Maximized Physical Performance
- Maintaining the water levels inside the body is key to maximize physical performance.
- Dehydration takes hold when the body loses around 2% of its water. Athletes, on the other hand, can lose from 6-10% of water due to sweat and exertion.
- Loss in water can make you lose weight, impair temperature control, increase fatigue, and reduce motivation.
- Moreover, staying hydrated can help reduce oxidative stress inside the body.
- Thus, getting the most out of your body requires you to keep it well hydrated.
Maintains Your Energy
- Your brain’s performance and function rely significantly on hydration.
- Even mild hydration, which can mean losing 1-3% of your body’s water, can massively impair the brain’s activity.
- Fluid loss from the body has also been linked to a decrease in working memory.
- It is also believed to result in increased anxiety.
- Dehydration can also affect your mood.
- Maintaining hydration is thus essential for brain performance.
Helps Avoid Headaches
- Dehydration is a major cause of headaches and migraines.
- Beyond that, drinking more water can help relieve headaches and avoid more of them.
- According to one study, drinking an extra 1.5 liters of water every day can help relieve migraines and improve Migraine Quality of Life.
- While the studies may not be concrete, drinking more water is advised when you face regular headaches.
Can Help Treat Kidney Stones
- Kidney stones are formed by the deposit of minerals inside the urinary system, that can clamp together in the kidneys and urinary tracts linked to it.
- Some experts believe that drinking more water can help you reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.
- The increased intake of water will dilute the substances moving in your urinary tract and will help make sure that they move out of your body rather than sediment into the kidneys.
- Moreover, water can also help developed stones move out of your body.
Can Help Relieve Constipation
- Water is the driver of your entire digestive system.
- It creates an environment that allows food to travel throughout your digestive tract and be digested.
- Lower water intake often results in constipation and adding more of it to your daily diet can help you find relief from constipation.
- Mineral water is especially helpful here as it also provides you with magnesium, which aids bowel movement.
Can Help with Weight Loss
- Water makes you feel full.
- It results in bloating, which decreases your appetite and makes you feel full throughout the day.
- This makes water essential when you are trying to lose weight.
- Drinking more water can help you reduce snacking, which decreases the number of calories you take in.
- You end up losing weight just by drinking more water.
These and more make water the most beneficial drink for you.