What is perinatologist?
A perinatologist is a maternal fetal medicine doctor specialized in tackling the high risk pregnancy. They deal with the pregnant mothers and infants during the term, birth and post delivery.
Perinatologists are the professionals that provide medical aid to “mothers to be” throughout the journey of their conception to newborn’s well-being. They deal with the medical complications that pregnant women want to optimize prior to the pregnancy.
These may include medical or surgical complications and take care of the problems that arise during pregnancy or post delivery.
It focuses on two major aspects, first one is the mothers that have problems during their pregnancy and the second aspect is based on the infantile health.
Is there any additional qualification required to become a perinatologist?
A perinatologist or maternal fetal medicine specialist is an obstetrician gynecologist who does an additional three years of training or fellowship to learn the high risk medical and surgical complications of pregnancy.
How is a maternal fetal medicine specialist different from a general obstetrician?
A general obstetrician or gynecologist deal with routine pregnancies and take care of the delivery. When an issue arises during pregnancy, whether it be immediately prior to becoming pregnant, during the pregnancy itself or during the delivery, a maternal fetal medicine specialist is usually consulted.
In case of infant having detected any anomaly, perinatologists are called to help manage the care of the pregnancy and delivery.
Is it necessary to be referred by an OBGYN to a perinatologists or they can self-refer?
Normally, an obstetrician will refer a patient to see a perinatologist when a problem arises with the pregnancy. However, a patient can also self-refer themselves if they have a previous encounter of the same and are experienced in the area.
Are Perinatologists certified?
All high risk obstetricians are board certified in maternal fetal medicine.
A perinatologist deals with a wide spectrum of pregnancies. They start with any fetal complications that arise, for example a cardiac or respiratory anomaly found during an ultrasound, the care of continuing pregnancy in such cases and planning for delivery.
In case the pregnant mother had any medical conditions prior to pregnancy for instance diabetes or hypertension, thyroid problems, liver problems or history of seizures, etc. that may complicate the pregnancy, a perinatologist is often consulted to deal with these kinds of situations.
In a nutshell, a perinatologist treats all the problems related to high risk pregnancy whether it be a problem with bleeding during or after delivery, a complicated cesarian section delivery, other medical and surgical conditions of the pregnant mother and the infant.
When to consult a perinatologist?
- Prior to conceiving if the mother to be has a medical condition or a history of so, so that their medical care can be optimized.
- At any event any problem arises during pregnancy when the general obstetrician is concerned.
- When mother suffers from any condition post-partum.
- If the infant health is concerned.