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8 Warning Signs You May be Eating Too Much Sugar
- It’s hard to ignore sugar and it is rare for people to not like the sweetener in what they eat.
- Of course, you cannot ignore sugar entirely.
- Sugars are essential for the body as glucose is the primary energy block used by cells for energy.
- However, too much of it can be quite problematic – with the issues it creates just not limited to weight gain.
- Here are 8 warning signs that suggest you may be eating too much sugar:
You Crave More of It
- Sugar acts much like an actual drug: the more you eat, the more you will want.
- Eating sugar results in the release of several hormones inside the body that end up making you feel good.
- It is quite like the “high” that drugs can give.
- And just like them, sugar can also be addictive.
- You might find yourself wanting more and more.
You Feel Tired Throughout the Day
- The initial surge of insulin and other hormones might make you feel great, but you’re bound to come crashing down soon.
- The high of sugar is followed soon by a lengthy period of sluggishness.
- You might feel tired throughout the day and may feel that your energy level is much lower than what you would expect it to be.
Skin Breaking and Complications
- The rush of hormones can have a cascading effect that ends up affecting different parts of your body, including your skin.
- Increased sugar intake can cause skin conditions such as acne and rosacea to break out in some people.
- These conditions go away naturally as you cut down on sugar.
Changes in Mood
- The crash after the high can cause wild changes in your mood.
- You might find yourself to be frequently irritable and angry at meaningless things.
- The lack of energy can also result in a poor mood.
You are Gaining Weight
- This seems like an obvious symptom, but it has to be addressed.
- The excess sugar your body doesn’t use ends up being converted to fats and stored in your body.
- This causes you to gain weight rather quickly.
- You may find yourself becoming overweight before you even realize it.
Regular Oral Cavities
- The sugar you eat gives the bacteria in your mouth lots of food to devour.
- They spread faster in your mouth and can end up damaging your gums, resulting in oral cavities.
- Getting more oral cavities is a strong sign of eating too much sugar.
Your Mind Gets Clouded After Meals
- The rapid changes in blood glucose can cause your mind to become foggy.
- It needs time to react to the fluctuating energy levels, which can make it clouded, especially after a meal.
Things Don’t Taste that Sweet Anymore
- Eating too much sugar can affect your taste buds.
- They will become more tolerant of sugar and will not be sensitive as they were before.
- Things you used to regularly enjoy may not taste as good as they used to, and you might find yourself irritated by that.