Medical Centric

Blocked hair follicle – everything you need to know


Hair follicles are small pit like structures present within the skin. All the hair you see on any part of your body grows from these hair follicles.

Blocked hair follicle is an inflammatory condition of the skin in which hair follicles get blocked by sweat etc. and cause breakouts, boils or pimples.

Blocked hair follicles are small, pimple-like bumps formed under the skin that are very painful. This skin condition is termed as Hidradenitis Suppurative in medical terminology, also known as acne inversa.

It generally occurs on the skin parts where the skin brushes together and sweat is produced. So, mostly the affected parts are your:

  • Breasts
  • Armpits
  • Groin
  • Buttocks

Initially they start out with pimple like structure and gradually get deeper into skin to look more like boils or cysts. In worst case scenario, they burst and leak blood or pus that has accumulated in them over the time. They even make tunnels under the skin after persisting for a long time.

When they begin to heal, they can change into thick scars. Those scars can make it very uncomfortable to move around in places like your underarm or crotch area.


Many of us assume that blocked hair follicles are caused by poor hygiene which entirely wrong. Neither they are caused by poor hygiene nor are they contagious.

Although it is yet unknown as to what triggers the follicles to get blocked, the following process is thought to be responsible for this condition.

  • The first and foremost cause is sweat that gets trapped inside the follicles and makes them look like a pimple.

Hair follicles may also get clogged by keratin that occurs naturally in hair, nails and skin.

  • The clogged hair follicle then gets filled with bacteria that breeds, grows, expands and ruptures.
  • A painful lump or pimple like structure then forms at that spot that is filled with pus. The pus when creates pressure and bursts the follicle, bacteria that are trapped inside spread and makes more blocked follicles.

Also, there are a few risk factors that participate in this condition:

  1. Age and sex – women in the age group of 18-30 are more prone to develop this condition than men. It is assumed to be a hormonal thing. Also they tend to flare up during periods, pregnancy and menopause.
  2. Genetics – The family history of this condition increases the risk of getting one. However, it doesn’t apply in every case.
  3. Other miscellaneous lifestyle factors like smoking, obesity, sweating, heat and hormonal changes, etc. can also act as triggers for blocked hair follicles.


The symptoms for blocked hair follicles can range from mild to severe. Starting out with little red bumps to red irritated pimples and overtime getting filled with blood or pus transforming these bumps into boils or cyst like structures. The abscess may form at that area and drain the blood and pus content.

The symptoms involve:

  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Irritation
  • Soreness
  • Burning sensation
  • Unpleasant odor from the area where abscess has leaked


If you notice these symptoms in your body, you can go for easy-to-do-at-home tips:

  1. Bathe daily with antimicrobial soap and keep it dry to limit sweating.
  2. Don’t you pop that pimple no matter how tempted you are to squeeze it!
  3. Do not wax that area. If you have to, just shave the area carefully after washing it with antibacterial soap.
  4. Avoid using deodorants or chemicals that come in direct contact with your skin.
  5. Wear loose clothing to let the skin breathe and not get restricted.
  6. Use warm compresses to ease the pain and irritation in the affected area.

If these are not working, your physician will give you some medications to speed up the treating and healing process like:

  • Antibiotics (topical or oral)
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Steroids
  • Analgesics
  • benzyl peroxide acne medication body wash
  • Humira, a biologic medication that’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of blocked hair follicles.