Medical Centric



  • Abortion is the termination of pregnancy or the loss of a fetus/embryo.
  • The rate of miscarriage risk is high at the start of pregnancy.
  • Mostly, miscarriages happen in the first trimester i.e., the first 12 weeks of gestation period. The earliest weeks of pregnancy before the 20th week is the time when a woman is at the highest risk of a miscarriage.
  • The risk starts to drop when pregnancy reaches the 6th week
  • It is better to keep in mind that complications can arise at any point in the whole pregnancy period


Early Abortion
  • It is the removal of undesired tissues in the first trimester in the 10-14th week of confirmed pregnancy, through pills.
Late Abortion
  • The abortion after the 24th week of pregnancy is called late abortion.
Spontaneous Abortion

The death of the fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy is spontaneous abortion.


It can happen due to multiple reasons there are no specifically mentioned causes. A spontaneous abortion does not mean that it was caused by something you did. A list of problems that could result in spontaneous abortion given by Daily Medicos are:

  • Several viruses such as cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, parvovirus, and rubella virus
  • Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities

For chromosomal and genetic abnormalities, there comes:

  • Intrauterine fetal demise (stillbirth)
  • Blighted ovum (no embryo formation)
  • Molar pregnancy (no fetal development)
  • Partial molar pregnancy.
  • Defects in phases also cause miscarriages
  • Immunologic abnormalities
  • Major trauma
  • Uterine abnormalities like fibroids, adhesions also cause spontaneous abortion
  • Placental defects
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Cervix problems
  • Hormonal problems in mother
  • Infections
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Abnormal fetal growth

These errors in genes and chromosomes of the mother or father occur naturally and promote no fetal growth. Damaged cells, embryo division, or damaged sperm cells are also natural causes of abortion.

Induced Abortion

  • The intentional removal of embryo in case of unwanted pregnancy is Induced abortion.

Threatened Abortion

  • Threatened abortion is marked by vaginal bleeding that occurs in the first trimester which could be a sign of possible miscarriage.

Inevitable Abortion

  • The symptoms of inevitable abortion are intrauterine pregnancy with worse cramps, high vaginal bleeding, and cervix dilation that results in miscarriage.

Complete Abortion

  • Complete abortion happens during the 8th week, when all the tissues leave the body and pass through the vagina with bleeding.

Incomplete Abortion

  • When some of the tissues leave the body and some products stay in the body is incomplete abortion.

Recurrent Abortion

  • Three consecutive miscarriages in 20 weeks is considered as recurrent pregnancy.

Missed Abortion

when the fetus didn’t form and has died but the tissues remain in the uterus is missed abortion.

Septic Abortion

  • A uterine infection that can spread to the placenta and fetus before and after induced abortion and can develop sepsis in the uterus, placenta, fetus, and vital organs.


Risk factors of spontaneous abortion that can be avoided to prevent abortion or miscarriage. Certain risk factors that can lead a woman to miscarriage are:

  • Risk factor of abortion increases with age (Age > 35)
  • History of spontaneous abortion
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Use of alcohol, drugs (eg, cocaine)
  • chronic disorder in the mother (eg, diabetes, hypertension, overt thyroid disorders)
  • High caffeine intake
  • Uterine and cervix problems
  • Excess weight
  • Invasive prenatal tests
  • Poor diet, or malnutrition
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Abnormally shaped uterus
  • Severe high blood pressure
  • Food poisoning
  • Exposure to toxins like arsenic, lead, etc
  • Use of Certain medications


  • Some tips for avoiding a miscarriage are:
  • Regular Exercise like jogging, walking, or cycling.
  • Regular prenatal follow-ups
  • Avoid smoking, drug use, alcohol intake.
  • Intake of prescribed multivitamin
  • Limit caffeine intake during the pregnancy but it’s better to avoid it.
  • Maintenance of a healthy weight
  • A healthy and balanced diet with all nutrients and minerals in every meal
  • Avoid thing that might develop infections
  • Addition of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet
  • Maintain a happy and calming environment
  • Find ways of managing your stress


The tests that are carried out for diagnosis and confirmation of abortion are:

  • Transvaginal ultrasonography
  • Transabdominal Ultrasonography
  • Serum hCG Tests


Commonly for women who have an abortion except complete have 3 treatment managing options:

Expectant management:

  • Doctors wait for the rest of the tissue to pass out naturally in this type of treatment.

Medical management:

  • This treatment option requires medicines to remove the remaining tissue out of the body.

Surgical management:

  • This treatment option requires a surgical procedure to remove the tissues remains if any.