Alcoholism is a condition characterized by an excessive desire or physical need to consume alcohol, even though it is causing a negative impact on quality of life.
- Also called alcohol use disorder, alcoholism may involve problems controlling drinking, being preoccupied with it, a strong continual even when it causes problems (put health or safety at risk or causes other alcohol-related problems), or having withdrawal syndrome when consumption is decreased.
- It also involves a pattern of drinking where a male consumes five or more drinks within two hours or a female consumes at least four drinks within two hours. This pattern is referred to as binge drinking and it causes a significant health risk.
- Alcohol use can affect all areas of the body, but it mostly affects the brain, pancreas, heart, liver and immune system.
- Alcoholism can result in health problems such as high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), hepatic steatosis (increased fat in the liver), cirrhosis (damage and scarring of the liver), gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), diabetes complications, miscarriage (alcohol use during pregnancy), osteoporosis (thinning bones), dementia.
- It can also increase your risk of heart failure, stroke, and cancers, including mouth, throat, liver, esophagus, breast, and colon.
- Alcoholism also increases the risk of death from injuries, homicide, suicide, and car crashes. It reduces a person’s life expectancy by 10 years.
- According to WHO, about 208 million (4.1% of the population) suffered from alcoholism as of 2010.
- It resulted in 139,000 deaths in 2013, and it is more common among males and young adults.
Alcoholism can be caused by both environmental and genetic factors. The dependence associated with alcoholism can take a few years to several decades to develop. For extremely vulnerable people, it can happen within months.
Over time, regular alcohol consumption can disrupt the balance of the areas of the brain associated with the experience of pleasure, and the ability to exercise control over behaviors. This causes the body to crave alcohol in order to feel good and avoid feeling bad.
Risk factors may include:
- A family history
- Depression and other mental health problems
- History of emotional distress or trauma
- Peer drinking
- A younger age of onset. Studies have shown that people who start before the age of 15 years may be prone to developing the condition.
- Lack of peer and family support
- Availability, it is the most available, widely consumed and abused recreational drug.
- Inability to limit the amount of alcohol is consumed
- Drinking alone or in secret
- Making unnecessary attempt to cut down alcohol consumption
- A strong urge or feeling to drink alcohol
- Taking alcohol in order to feel good
- Storing alcohol in unlikely places
- Giving up hobbies and social activities
- Spending a lot of time drinking, or recovering from alcohol use
- Developing a tolerance to alcohol such that you need more to feel its effect
- Having work-related, financial, or relationships problems that stem from alcohol use
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and shaking when you don’t drink
If alcoholism is suspected, a mental health professional may carry out a diagnosis. This may include:
- Asking questions related to your drinking
- A physical examination to check for physical signs that may indicate complications of alcohol use.
- Lab tests and imaging tests to identify health problems that may be related to alcohol use
- The doctor may also use diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Treatment options may include:
- Detoxification to where sedating medications are taken to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Treatment usually lasts 4 to 7 days. The common medication used for detoxification is chlordiazepoxide
- Counseling
- Oral medications such as Antabuse. This medication causes a reaction when you consume alcohol, including nausea, flushing, vomiting, and headaches.
- Naltrexone is also a medication used for blocking cravings. It may help to reduce the urge to have a drink.
- Treating underlying problems
- Learning a skill and establishing a treatment plan.