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Guide to Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

Guide to Taking Care of a Newborn Baby

Spending time with newborns can be a bit challenging, we have some basic keys that might help.

Here are a few basics to remember:

Handling A Baby

  • Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your baby.
  • They’re prone to getting sick because of weak immune so it’s only safe to clean your hands before handling them.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck.
  • Cradle the head when carrying your baby.
  • Never shake your newborn, whether in play or in frustration.
  • Shaking can cause damage such as bleeding in the brain and even death.
  • If you need to wake your infant, tickle your baby’s feet or blow gently on a cheek.
  • Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat.
  • Limit any activity that could be too rough or bouncy.

 Bonding and Soothing

  • Physical closeness can promote an emotional connection with the baby.
  • Begin bonding by cradling your baby and gently stroking him or her in different patterns.
  • Massage your baby gently, certain types of massage may enhance bonding and help with infant growth.
  • Try singing, reciting poetry and nursery rhymes, or reading aloud to your little one if they’re being fussy.
  • Some babies can be sensitive to touch, light, or sound, and might startle them, it’s better to keep noise and light levels low to moderate.


  • Swaddling is another comfort technique first-time parents should learn, make sure not to wrap the baby too tightly.
  • Babies should not be swaddled after they’re 2 months old as babies can roll over while swaddled it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).


Before diapering your baby it is more convenient to make sure you have all supplies within reach so you won’t have to leave your infant unattended.

For diapering you need:

  • a clean diaper
  • fasteners (if cloth prefold diapers are used)
  • diaper ointment
  • diaper wipes (or a container of warm water and a clean washcloth or cotton balls)
  • Lay your baby on his or her back and remove the dirty diaper.
  • you can use water, cotton balls, and washcloth or wipes to gently wipe your baby clean.
  • Apply ointments for prevention of rash or to heal any rashes present.
  • Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly after changing a diaper.
  • Diaper rash is a common concern that happens because the baby’s skin is sensitive and becomes irritated by the wet or poopy diaper.
  • It can be helped by giving a break from diapers, applying ointments, and baths.

    Some tips to help with diaper rashes are:

  1. Change the diaper as soon as possible after bowel movements.
  2. Clean the area with baby soaps and water, then apply a thick layer for preventing rashes.
  3. If you are using cloth diapers use a fragrance-and-dye-free detergent.
  4. Give the baby’s skin to air out by giving some diaper-free time.
    The diaper rashes can be an infection if it’s getting worse over time, it would be better to consult a doctor for that.

Bathing care

  • A sponge bath is recommended until the umbilical cord falls off and the navel heals completely.
  • This process takes up about 1–4 weeks.
  • The circumcision healing process takes up about 1–2 weeks.
  • A bath two or three times a week in the first year is fine. More frequent bathing may be drying to the skin.

These items should be ready before bathing your baby:

  • a soft, clean washcloth
  • mild, unscented baby soap and shampoo
  • a soft brush to stimulate the baby’s scalp.
  • towels or blankets
  • a clean diaper
  • clean clothes

First tub baths should be gentle and brief.

An infant tub with two to three inches of warm water should be prepared.

Feeding and burping 

  • A newborn baby needs to be fed every 2 to 3 hours.
  • Give your baby the chance to nurse about 10–15 minutes at each breast if you are breastfeeding.
  • In the case of formula-feeding, your baby will most likely take about 2–3 ounces (60–90 milliliters) at each feeding.
  • Some newborns may need to be awakened every few hours to make sure they get enough to eat.
  • consult your doctor if your baby doesn’t seem interested in eating or sucking.

If your baby seems satisfied and produces about six wet diapers and several stools a day, sleeps well, and is gaining weight regularly, then he or she is probably eating enough.

Try burping your baby every 2–3 ounces if you bottle-feed, and each time you switch breasts if you breastfeed.

Some recommended burping tips are:

  • Hold your baby upright with their head on your shoulder.
  • Support your baby’s head and back while gently patting the back with your other hand.
  • Sit your baby on your lap.
  • Support your baby’s chest and head with one hand by cradling your baby’s chin in the palm of your hand and resting the heel of your hand on your baby’s chest (be careful to grip your baby’s chin — not throat).
  • Use the other hand to gently pat your baby’s back.
  • Lay your baby face-down on your lap.
  • Support your baby’s head, making sure it’s higher than his or her chest, and gently pat or rub his or her back.

Sleeping Basics

  • Newborns typically sleep for periods of 2–4 hours.
  • It is not necessary for your baby to sleep through the night like adults.
  • Babies must develop their sleep patterns and cycles, so if your newborn is gaining weight and appears healthy, it doesn’t matter if they haven’t slept through the night at 3 months.
  • It’s important to always place babies on their backs to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • It is better not to use blankets, quilts, sheepskins, stuffed animals, and pillows in the crib or bassinet, these can suffocate the baby.
  • Becoming a parent or handling a baby for the first time can be anxious but you find your routine eventually.